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Friends Walking Home

Middle School Club

Building Character through the Human Virtues









Program Overview

Middle school is a significant time in the life of a young girl. She begins to seek independence and opportunities to understand her own identity. For a girl to keep herself grounded in the truths of the Catholic faith, she should have a growing understanding of who God is in her life and a community of friends and mentors to support and encourage her in making good choices.


This two year-long program aims to support parents in forming their daughters' Christian identities through an understanding of the human virtues. Based on a series of articles from the Opus Dei website and adapted for the middle school age group, this program focuses not just on particular virtues, but an understanding of how a virtuous life helps  us to be our most authentic selves.


Girls will hear a talk  on a human virtue and then have time for both small and large group discussion. The aim of this program is not just to instruct girls in the Catholic faith but give them the tools to see and articulate the importance of living the virtues in their lives, ultimately helping them to become leaders, not just to the elementary school girls they will mentor in our Girls Club,  but in their schools and larger communities as well.

2023-24 Dates & Topics

September 9: Finding our Direction

October 14: Bringing God's Light to the World

November 11: Emotions, the Inner-life, and Freedom

December 9: Living with Others

January 13: Being a True Friend

February 10: Prudence in Action

March 9: Sanctifying our Work

April 13: The Necessary Perspective 

May 11: Rosary Pilgrimage with Girls Club group

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